How to Deal With Dehydration Caused By Kratom

Kratom works to make you feel sedated and calm in times in which you feel hurt or stressed, though you may have forgotten or not learned that taking Kratom on a regular basis can leave you with a few nagging side effects. One of these is dehydration, and it’s one that many users don’t take seriously at first.

How Does Taking Kratom Make You Dehydrated?

It’s important to know that taking Kratom means it will make some changes to your body in order for the effects to work well. Kratom is classified as a diuretic, meaning that it sends messages to the body to flush out water, urine, and sodium faster and more often than normal. As a large amount of water leaves your body, you get dehydrated with no ideal way for the body to create more. Alcohol and caffeine are also considered diuretics, so there’s no real cause for concern to stop taking Kratom if you don’t want to stop.

If your body is not hydrated, however, you can often develop irritating symptoms of dehydration that can impact your mood, concentration, and other aspects. You can get headaches, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, and fever. Case in point, several things will act up in your body.

It’s easy to instruct Katom users to simply drink more water, but there is much more to it for users to stay healthy and hydrated. Here are two tips for avoiding dehydration.

Set a Water-Drinking Milestone

The needs of water intake vary from person to person, so there is no textbook water volume we recommend you should drink each day. There are many factors that determine how much water your body in particular needs, like age, body size, exercising habits, and your surroundings which may be determined by altitude and weather.

Drinking water allows you to replace the water that you’ve lost by taking Kratom. Water replenishes the organs and other body parts that otherwise would be affected by a lack of hydration, so you’ll prevent pain and illness from affecting your body over time.

However, you don’t need to drink just plain old water. If you want to drink other watery beverages to keep your water intake up, you can certainly do this. You can add flavor to water with either natural fruit or flavor drops. Sports drinks don’t only keep you hydrated but they can also replenish electrolytes. Protein shakes can also count as drinks of water which can also allow you to reach your protein milestones.

Eat More Moist Foods

As you might already know, foods contain water too - not just drinks. In fact, a large percentage of water intake comes from foods we eat. All foods contain a degree of water, though select foods are key for contributing to your body’s water intake. These foods include oranges, strawberries, watermelon, peaches, pineapple, cantaloupe, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, cucumber, spinach, and celery. You don’t need to eat a good helping of these foods, but a sizable amount can certainly help with your body’s water-intake goals.

Many of these foods can make for delicious snacks on their own or added to meals for side delicacies. Some can even substitute other ingredients in recipes, such as replacing rice with diced cauliflower.

Kratom works to relieve pain and give off happy feelings, though at the cost of losing water inside your body. This can cause dehydration which can cause headaches, nausea, and other symptoms. Work to drink a certain amount of water each day to avoid dehydration. Moist foods like watermelon can also help add water to the body.


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